Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Wooden Chicken Coops

Need help getting that wooden chicken coops project off the ground? Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Select a place to put the coop in. Remember to choose a relatively higher spot or a sloping one to avoid puddling problems especially during the wet season.

Step 2: Decide on how big your coop will be. Expert raisers recommend allotting five to 6 square feet per chicken, plus a couple more square feet for nesting hens.

Step 3: Put your plan on paper. Never go straight to constructing without having a sound and nice written plan. Sketch a place where you want to put the door and the windows in. Make sure the windows are on the side that faces the south. This will ensure sufficient air circulation during the simmer and enough light on the winter. Your map should also include how the inside of your chicken coop will look like. Don’t forget the nesting area and about six to 10 inches per chicken of space to perch on.

Step 4: Begin constructing your wooden chicken coops. Start with the wooden frame, following your sketch. Make sure that the roof is tilted a bit so water will not collect atop it. And the doors and windows are securely covered with chicken wire. Make sure to have a latch for the doors as well.

Step 5: Once the nest boxes and perches are in their proper places, it’s time for the finishing touches. Take your waterers and feeders, and hang them at a height up to the chickens’ back. Chickens always have the urge to scratch, and keeping the water and food away from their scratching reach will ensure that your chickens always have a clean and ample supply of food and water.

View the original article here

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